
Thank you

to everyone who has helped and contributed to raise awareness and funds for our charities and renovation project  
Recent work includes: 

Jeff Probyn Evening

A fantstic evening of tales and insights from the former international England Rugby Union Player.  Thank you Jeff for your support and much needed fund raising for our church renovation project.  

Tenebrae Service

Many thanks to Stephen and Katherine Fellowes and to all their friends in Choral8 for giving us such an uplifting Tenebrae service on Holy Wednesday.  Your many hours of rehearsal were much appreciated. 

Photocopier Appeal

Well done to all who have contributed to the Benefice Photocopier fund!  We are hoping the new copier will arrive within a week or two to continue our valuable work throughout the Benefice.  THANK YOU!


Thank you to everyone who came carol singing or attended the Christingle Services and helped to raise £560 for the Children’s Society.

Songbirds Concert

To Fru Chilvers and her Songbird friends.  In addition to a superb evening of toe tapping music the ladies, accompanied by Paul Chilvers on the piano, raised £913.00 for Church funds.  We look forward to welcoming Fru and The Songbirds back next year!

To The Joseph and Lilian Sully Foundation for the very substantial donation made to the Church recently.  Without the help of such friends, we would struggle with the upkeep of our beautiful church building and the work we do.  We are truly grateful for such generosity.

You can follow the songbirds on Facebook

Food Bank

We are continuing to with our weekly Food Support.  Each week there is a container at the back of the church for anyone who wishes to donate a tin or packet of beans, tins of vegetables and/or fruit, etc are always welcome.  Donations will be taken to Waltham Abbey Church on a regular basis to be distributed locally to those in need.  

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